
R.E.D. acts as an aggregator of excellences, involving Italian and foreign partners and research institutes, with which it activates long-term strategic collaborations, selecting leaders in their respective fields and ensuring the direction of projects, down to the last detail.

For R.E.D. Drees & Sommer he is the Project Management of complex and innovative real estate projects all over the world.

Drees & Sommer is an international construction and real estate consultancy based in Germany with offices in 18 countries worldwide. Key services provided by the company are process development and consulting, infrastructure consulting, project management and engineering, as well as real estate consulting.

Drees & Sommer supports the construction of buildings and infrastructure projects from the initial idea to implementation and operation. According to the corporate philosophy "the blue way", aspects of economic efficiency and sustainability are always considered in context.

The main topics include green building, ecological development and portfolio optimisation, from consulting through project management to certification and international green building labels. Another service objective is the professional elaboration of complex large-scale projects supported by innovative measures such as building information modelling and lean construction management.

The main topics include green building, ecological development and portfolio optimisation, from consulting through project management to certification and international green building labels. Another service objective is the professional elaboration of complex large-scale projects supported by innovative measures such as building information modelling and lean construction management.


Cisco is the world leader in technologies that transform the way people connect, communicate, and collaborate through intelligent networks and architectures that integrate products, services, and software platforms. The company, founded in 1994, is based in San Jose - California and employs about 70,000 people worldwide, with a turnover of $ 48.6 billion1.Cisco has guided the evolution of network technologies from the beginning, through the various stages of their development: from the first era of connectivity, to the years of the Networked Economy, to the reality in which we live today, characterized by the experience of rich and multiform relationships possible through social networks, online collaboration, the opportunity to access anywhere, on the move and by any means to our digital world.

eFM was founded in 2000 with the aim of innovating the real estate market through process optimization. The aim of our work was to reduce costs, mitigate risks and thus increase the value of assets.
The company then embarked on the road of digitization of buildings to design, manage and monitor services, ensuring their quality through the integration, on a single platform, of all the different players in the market (owner, provider, user, designer, developer).
The eruption of digital transformation and the massive introduction of smart devices, wearable and IoT now makes it possible to connect in real time services and processes to the concrete experience of people.

Every day - on four continents - 220 engineers, architects, data scientists, economists, psychologists and anthropologists work side by side to foster relationships through our platform and design new living experiences in the interconnected world.

The commitment is to increase the well-being, productivity and engagement of each individual in the places he or she lives every day.

Laboratorio Guglielmo Marconi S.p.A. is an engineering company that operates in the market segments of telecommunications networks and communications and information technology. For 25 years it has been offering monitoring services, network infrastructure security management and software development functional to network design and management.

The Politecnico di Milano is an Italian university institute of a scientific and technological nature, founded in 1863. The fields of study and research include the three macro-areas of engineering, architecture and industrial design.

The Politecnico di Milano is an Italian university institute of a scientific and technological nature, founded in 1863. The fields of study and research include the three macro-areas of engineering, architecture and industrial design.
It is based in the city of Milan, in the two complexes Bovisa and Città Studi, and has decentralized offices in Como, Cremona, Lecco, Mantua and Piacenza.

Siemens is a technology company with core activities in the fields of electrification, automation and digitalization and activities in nearly all countries of the world. We are a leading supplier of power generation, power transmission and infrastructure solu- tions as well as automation, drive and software solutions for in- dustry and of medical diagnostics solutions. Siemens comprises Siemens AG, a stock corporation under the Federal laws of Germany, as the parent company and its subsid- iaries. Our Company is incorporated in Germany, with our corpo- rate headquarters situated in Munich. As of September 30, 2018, Siemens had around 379,000 employees.

In 1992 the Centre for Research in Economics and Management for the Environment and Territory was founded, as an independent part of the MIP (Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business). In 2000, the Centre was relocated within the Consorzio Poliedra, forming a section of it. In the mid-2000's, following the closure of the other sections, the consortium assumed its current configuration. Subsequently, relations with the "Politecnico system" were redefined: in 2012 with an amendment to the Statute and in 2013 with the establishment of the Scientific Council.

Siemens is a technology company with core activities in the fields of electrification, automation and digitalization and activities in nearly all countries of the world. We are a leading supplier of power generation, power transmission and infrastructure solu- tions as well as automation, drive and software solutions for in- dustry and of medical diagnostics solutions. Siemens comprises Siemens AG, a stock corporation under the Federal laws of Germany, as the parent company and its subsid- iaries. Our Company is incorporated in Germany, with our corpo- rate headquarters situated in Munich. As of September 30, 2018, Siemens had around 379,000 employees.

ARD&NT – Art Design and New Technologies has been set up by the DESIGN Department at the Politecnico di Milano and the School of New Technologies at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. The purpose of the Consortium is to organize advanced professional training courses and design and research projects in the field of Art and Design as expressed through the new digital communication and media technologies that are so pervasively characterizing our current age.
The joint venture seeks to bring together the freer, artistic research carried out in the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, and the design culture, from design to finished product, that is the undisputed identity of the Politecnico di Milano, in order to create a high quality, coherent, comprehensive course of specialized training. However, it is our shared feeling that such an aim will be truly achieved only if we are able to build a course of study that: firstly, breaks though the diaphragms separating the world of training from that of work; secondly, forms a reciprocally useful production chain heralding the correct exchange of theoretical, operational and research stimuli that is still missing as a point of territorial reference; thirdly, relates in a well-structured way with the international dynamics working in this field.
It is to this end that the ARD&NT Consortium is opening up to the world of enterprise and proposing to act as a catalyst for the development of a Centre for Advanced Technology in the ambits of the Arts and Design. We are certain that setting up an International Network, able to gather together the top companies in the territory of Milan and the youngest and most promising start-up firms in the sector, will prove to be the best way of facing up to the challenges awaiting us.

for health, well-being and lifestyle.artner per la salute, il benessere e lo stile di vita.

The San Raffaele University Scientific Institute, (HSR or OSR), is a hospital structure where health and research activities are carried out. The structure is among the first places in Italian hospitals in terms of quality of care. The San Raffaele Hospital is home to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and the Faculty of Psychology of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele. The Scientific Institute brings to RED’s projects its consolidated experience to define the Well-being model and related initiatives for the communities


Per R.E.D. l’Di Bari & Assocites è partner per lo stile di vita.

La missione di DIBari&Associties è convertire i siti in memorabili destinazioni SM-ART per i visitatori e luoghi iconici di orgoglio per i residenti locali. Usiamo metafore simboliche per creare opere d’arte magiche ed eco-compatibili implementando nuovi materiali, nuove tecnologie ed idee . Ogni opera è “site specific” in quanto nasce dalla cultura e dalle peculiarità dei luoghi.



Per R.E.D. l’EAPItalia è partner per li benessere e la salute mentale.




Cimolai, fondata a Pordenone nel 1949, progetta, realizza ed installa opere di carpenteria metallica che si contraddistinguono per unicità, solidità e sicurezza dei progetti architettonici, rapidi tempi d’esecuzione e specifiche tecniche di elevatissima qualità.

Cimolai rappresenta un gruppo che ha diversificato le sue attività nel campo dell’ingegneria Industriale, Civile, Militare, Navale, dell’Oil & Gas, delle facciate continue, delle coperture speciali e delle macchine ad alta tecnologia per il trasporto e sollevamento di costruzioni speciali.

L’azienda sotto la guida di Luigi Cimolai ha vissuto uno sviluppo costante della propria attività che ha portato alla realizzazione di progetti sempre più complessi e qualificanti grazie anche al continuo ampliamento dei propri siti produttivi e del know how tecnico.

Oggi Cimolai opera in più di 30 paesi con stabilimenti e uffici commerciali dislocati in Italia e all’estero



Drees & Sommer

For R.E.D. Drees & Sommer he is the Project Management of complex and innovative real estate projects all over the world.

Drees & Sommer is an international construction and real estate consultancy based in Germany with offices in 18 countries worldwide. Key services provided by the company are process development and consulting, infrastructure consulting, project management and engineering, as well as real estate consulting.

Drees & Sommer supports the construction of buildings and infrastructure projects from the initial idea to implementation and operation. According to the corporate philosophy "the blue way", aspects of economic efficiency and sustainability are always considered in context.

The main topics include green building, ecological development and portfolio optimisation, from consulting through project management to certification and international green building labels. Another service objective is the professional elaboration of complex large-scale projects supported by innovative measures such as building information modelling and lean construction management.

The main topics include green building, ecological development and portfolio optimisation, from consulting through project management to certification and international green building labels. Another service objective is the professional elaboration of complex large-scale projects supported by innovative measures such as building information modelling and lean construction management.


Cisco è leader mondiale nelle tecnologie che trasformano il modo con cui le persone si connettono, comunicano e collaborano, attraverso reti intelligenti e architetture che integrano prodotti, servizi e piattaforme software. L’azienda, fondata nel 1994, ha sede a San Josè – California ed impiega in tutto il mondo circa 70.000 dipendenti, con un fatturato di 48,6 miliardi di dollari1.Cisco ha guidato fin dall’inizio l’evoluzione delle tecnologie di Rete, attraverso le varie fasi del loro sviluppo: dalla prima era della connettività, agli anni della Networked Economy, fino alla realtà in cui oggi viviamo, caratterizzata dall’esperienza di relazioni ricche e multiformi possibili grazie ai social network, alla collaborazione online, all’opportunità di accedere ovunque, in mobilità e con ogni mezzo al nostro mondo digitale

eFM was founded in 2000 with the aim of innovating the real estate market through process optimization. The aim of our work was to reduce costs, mitigate risks and thus increase the value of assets.
The company then embarked on the road of digitization of buildings to design, manage and monitor services, ensuring their quality through the integration, on a single platform, of all the different players in the market (owner, provider, user, designer, developer).
The eruption of digital transformation and the massive introduction of smart devices, wearable and IoT now makes it possible to connect in real time services and processes to the concrete experience of people.

Every day - on four continents - 220 engineers, architects, data scientists, economists, psychologists and anthropologists work side by side to foster relationships through our platform and design new living experiences in the interconnected world.

The commitment is to increase the well-being, productivity and engagement of each individual in the places he or she lives every day.

Laboratorio Guglielmo Marconi S.p.A. is an engineering company that operates in the market segments of telecommunications networks and communications and information technology. For 25 years it has been offering monitoring services, network infrastructure security management and software development functional to network design and management.

The Politecnico di Milano is an Italian university institute of a scientific and technological nature, founded in 1863. The fields of study and research include the three macro-areas of engineering, architecture and industrial design.

The Politecnico di Milano is an Italian university institute of a scientific and technological nature, founded in 1863. The fields of study and research include the three macro-areas of engineering, architecture and industrial design.
It is based in the city of Milan, in the two complexes Bovisa and Città Studi, and has decentralized offices in Como, Cremona, Lecco, Mantua and Piacenza.

Siemens AG is a German multinational, founded in 1847, active in the fields of technology, mobility and services, based in Munich and present with several offices in about 200 countries.

In 1992 the Centre for Research in Economics and Management for the Environment and Territory was founded, as an independent part of the MIP (Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business). In 2000, the Centre was relocated within the Consorzio Poliedra, forming a section of it. In the mid-2000's, following the closure of the other sections, the consortium assumed its current configuration. Subsequently, relations with the "Politecnico system" were redefined: in 2012 with an amendment to the Statute and in 2013 with the establishment of the Scientific Council.

Siemens AG is a German multinational, founded in 1847, active in the fields of technology, mobility and services, based in Munich and present with several offices in about 200 countries.

ARD&NT – Art Design and New Technologies has been set up by the DESIGN Department at the Politecnico di Milano and the School of New Technologies at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. The purpose of the Consortium is to organize advanced professional training courses and design and research projects in the field of Art and Design as expressed through the new digital communication and media technologies that are so pervasively characterizing our current age.
The joint venture seeks to bring together the freer, artistic research carried out in the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, and the design culture, from design to finished product, that is the undisputed identity of the Politecnico di Milano, in order to create a high quality, coherent, comprehensive course of specialized training. However, it is our shared feeling that such an aim will be truly achieved only if we are able to build a course of study that: firstly, breaks though the diaphragms separating the world of training from that of work; secondly, forms a reciprocally useful production chain heralding the correct exchange of theoretical, operational and research stimuli that is still missing as a point of territorial reference; thirdly, relates in a well-structured way with the international dynamics working in this field.
It is to this end that the ARD&NT Consortium is opening up to the world of enterprise and proposing to act as a catalyst for the development of a Centre for Advanced Technology in the ambits of the Arts and Design. We are certain that setting up an International Network, able to gather together the top companies in the territory of Milan and the youngest and most promising start-up firms in the sector, will prove to be the best way of facing up to the challenges awaiting us.

for health, well-being and lifestyle.artner per la salute, il benessere e lo stile di vita.

The San Raffaele University Scientific Institute, (HSR or OSR), is a hospital structure where health and research activities are carried out. The structure is among the first places in Italian hospitals in terms of quality of care. The San Raffaele Hospital is home to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and the Faculty of Psychology of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele. The Scientific Institute brings to RED’s projects its consolidated experience to define the Well-being model and related initiatives for the communities

Per R.E.D. l’Di Bari & Assocites è partner per lo stile di vita.

La missione di DIBari&Associties è convertire i siti in memorabili destinazioni SM-ART per i visitatori e luoghi iconici di orgoglio per i residenti locali. Usiamo metafore simboliche per creare opere d’arte magiche ed eco-compatibili implementando nuovi materiali, nuove tecnologie ed idee . Ogni opera è “site specific” in quanto nasce dalla cultura e dalle peculiarità dei luoghi.


Per R.E.D. l’EAPItalia è partner per li benessere e la salute mentale.


Cimolai, fondata a Pordenone nel 1949, progetta, realizza ed installa opere di carpenteria metallica che si contraddistinguono per unicità, solidità e sicurezza dei progetti architettonici, rapidi tempi d’esecuzione e specifiche tecniche di elevatissima qualità.

Cimolai rappresenta un gruppo che ha diversificato le sue attività nel campo dell’ingegneria Industriale, Civile, Militare, Navale, dell’Oil & Gas, delle facciate continue, delle coperture speciali e delle macchine ad alta tecnologia per il trasporto e sollevamento di costruzioni speciali.

L’azienda sotto la guida di Luigi Cimolai ha vissuto uno sviluppo costante della propria attività che ha portato alla realizzazione di progetti sempre più complessi e qualificanti grazie anche al continuo ampliamento dei propri siti produttivi e del know how tecnico.

Oggi Cimolai opera in più di 30 paesi con stabilimenti e uffici commerciali dislocati in Italia e all’estero